American Crime Story – Season 1 – Episodes 5-7 Are we not men?

It’s probably an essential example of privilege that until I saw the protest signs outside the courtroom, I’d totally forgotten the single biggest actual divide in opinion in my circles about the trial: the women vs the men. Now this is the boomtown San Francisco techy/goth/weirdo scene, but still. The women saw a wife-beating murderer, full stop, trying to change the subject. That story was so old, so common, there really wasn’t any need to overthink it. The men were into the theories and the details and the soap opera, because it wasn’t personal to them. Just TV.

These episodes of American Crime Story do a good job of showing what unites both sides in this case: bitches, man. The amount of crap that gets thrown at Marcia Clark, oy. And because this is back in the Elder Days, it’s all mediated. It’s what TV producers and news desks and tabloid editors think will sell, what they (mostly men) think is a good story or a good quote from “real people like you”. People talk shit about the internet but it’s nothing to the hellbeast that was television, believe me.

It’s also interesting to watch Chris Darden’s character move along his path in the story. It’s a trap! I was kind of glad to see him back off from Marcia’s hotel room but honestly there was no scenario that was going to end well at that point.

I have to add, about the gloves: obviously they shrank, yes? So why not go buy a new pair of the same model, confirm first that they are larger than the gloves in evidence, confirm that they fit the hands of someone of OJ’s build etc., and then have him try those new ones on? And then compare them to show how the old ones are smaller? But in a way, this is like inviting your co-prosecutor/boss to your friend’s birthday party for the weekend. You lost as soon as you got into it, because we are not rational beings.