10 Cloverfield Lane But the chain, Howard, you never explain the chain.

10 Cloverfield Lane is another good example of how much better a story is that recognizes that for most “Is it this or that?” questions, the answer is “Yes.” Especially about people. It’s true and crazy, good and bad, sweet and sour. Awareness of that doesn’t just make it more realistic and complete, it expands your opportunities to make your audience anxious if that’s what you’re trying to do. And oh I do think they had that on their minds here. Yes.

At the same time, what I particularly appreciated, personally, was what they didn’t do. They generally don’t go for the easy Boo! moves, despite being perfectly set up for them over and over. No simple startles here, just the ongoing increase in ohcrapness. I didn’t recognize the cast*, apart from John Goodman (I’ll never think of shaving the same way again), but they do a fine job. And though I know that really it has nothing to do with Cloverfield, it still makes me want to watch that again.

* I should have recognized Mary Elizabeth Winstead though! Ramona Flowers! Bad popculter. Plus an album with Dan the Automator!