The Path – Season 1 – Episodes 1-2 Don't forget your lightscreen.

Sure you’ve got your zombies, your demons, your headless horsemen, your lawyers in suits that cost more than you make in a year, but for real horror, nothing beats that interminable grace-ish momentĀ of twee before the group home meal on The Path. Holy cow, so to speak. The meal itself is almost as bad – not the food (probably) but the “conversation” around the table. So much passive agressive false enthusiasm and bullshit, they should have collapsed the crust of the Earth and plunged into the fiery depths. But no. It’s never that easy.

And I’ve seen few things more frightening than when Aaron Paul makes some mild comment about how everybody makes mistakes, and Michelle Monaghan snaps back “I don’t.” and she is not even slightly kidding. The show is pushing Hugh Dancy as the too-tightly-wound Evil Cult Dude but it’s Monaghan’s Sarah that strikes me as the real engine of destruction waiting to engage. That kind of absolute certainty that one is in the right, always, it never ends well.

So the setup of the show goes well. We’ll see whether they drive it off a cliff or not. Already there are some weak spots in the logic – hey lady, if your husband was killed, maybe go to, I dunno, the police? the FBI? But no.