Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice If you've seen the trailers, you can skip the movie. Seriously.

For me, the main thing about Batman v Superman is that it wasn’t about anything. You will only know and care about what you yourself bring into the theater. If you watched this film without already being soaked in American comic book lore, it would be … hmm well it would be crazy but maybe more enjoyable? Who is the guy in the blue leotard? He can fly? What the hell? And this other guy flies too? Oh that’s a dream? But there’s some kind of bat thing going here? If he’s rich why does he live in a ruin? Who’s the British guy? Why does everyone look so constipated?

Wonder Woman looks cool, I guess, but still, you’re who now? Let’s not even talk about Khal Drogo doing some kind of underwater hair conditioner commercial or whatever that was.

The B vs S fight was dumb, the way it was “resolved” was dumber. But then everything in this movie is dumb. You just cannot try and bring any kind of logic to anything that happens in it. It’s beyond reason or truth or reality. Now is the time in Syndertown when we say ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!! and show our back teeth.