The Catch – Season 1 – Episode 3 You call them corn, we call them "assholes"

There is a thing that is all too prevalent in movies and TV, the “Talking in the Theater” scene. Characters wind up in the audience for some event – a movie, a lecture, a concert, or the like – and still talk to each other like they’re at a ball game or something. Sometimes one of the NPCs around them will Ssssh! them, but only to demonstrate how cool and important the characters are compared to the stuffy/nerdy/square/whatever NPCs. It shows that either the creators are self-absorbed narcissists who cannot even conceive of why this would be problematic in any way, or that they are lazy mechanics who don’t think of their characters as real people in real situations: theater shmeater, whatever, we need this exposition, or we need to highlight this relationship, or advance the plot to here. Probably, as usual, it’s a bit of both. People already have enough difficulty these days distinguishing being in their homes and being in public, modeling this kind of unacceptable behavior is an automatic red card. The worst thing I can say about The Catch is that this scene was like the whole show writ small.

Otherwise this episode was stupid and bad, and it makes me sad that there are people who’ve been sold on the idea that this is what “witty” and “sharp” is like. Stylish, maybe, what do I know from stylish, but it’s stylish in the same way as those godawful huge gold and jewel laden watches they like to hang on people like diving weights: ugly and shallow and yet extremely useful as a flag saying, “Avoid Me!” I’ll take that advice.

The Catch – Season 1 – Episode 1 Sounds like dialog.

The Catch is my first Shondaland show, for no special reason beyond not getting in on any of the others at the start and then not being interested enough to catch up. So I’m just guessing, but I take it that this is a common style? It feels like that to me – one of those parts of America that just escapes me. The people, the fashions, those shoes, the money. So much money.

I watched this mostly for Mireille Enos, but much of what worked in The Killing came across here as a bit off. It’s hard to say. I was entirely too distracted by the eye makeup, because like I said, this is a strange land to me. They nearly lost me anyway within the first 20 minutes with that endless Pitbull-soundtracked scene. A bullshit simulation of some kind of “character setting”.

After that it got a bit better, but not much. They do the treat-obvious-stuff-as-difficult trick that makes people watching feel like “Me am smart!”. Not a plus. The ne’er-do-well husband is So Generic good gravy. Vat-grown cruelty-free casting.

The painting that’s one of the episode’s MacGuffins is gorgeous, though:

embrace sketch _o