The Magicians – Season 1 – Episode 11 Feelings are bullshit.

One of the things I like most about The Magicians is how realistic it is. I mean, yes, they are going to Narnia to fight Satan, but putting that aside, this is all extremely familiar to anyone who went to a co-ed college in recent times. Let’s do dangerous things to our bodies and have hugely emotional overreactions and do stupid stuff that we later regret, involving lots of drugs and sex! It’s not as concretely complete as Buffy‘s highschool-is-hell but it’s up there.

I cannot remember if I have ever heard any of these characters use “TV Speke” – the lines that only people on TV shows say or hear seriously. Probably they have, because the writers are only human (or are they?), but even if they have it’s very rare. Which makes the show very rare.

Episode-specific-wise, the bottled emotion scenes are of course hilarious. As is that Penny – the one who has the most invested in denying that he has anything as stupid as emotions – is the one who immediately vows to never do that again when they drink them back. Differently from Alice, who I think sees it as cheating. Alice is a ball of deep, though, it’s hard to tell.

Nice to see Julia have a positive development for a change. It will all go hideously wrong soon, of course, but for now, nice.

The Magicians – Season 1 – Episode 10 "But you haven't touched your penis!"

I officially completely love The Magicians now. Penny is a dick but he’s not stupid or a plot-device stereotype and that combination is amazingly rare. Quentin and Alice are such complete nerds, and very believable to me; I’ve known that type, simultaneously super attractive and yet so personally damaged that they end up awkward as hell. Julia breaks my heart every episode somehow. Even Eliot and Margo, who teetered on the border of annoyingly “whimsical”, have unexpected depths.

The plot keeps veering off in ways I wouldn’t expect (an unbooker so far), and the not-strictly-plottish parts are just as interesting as anything else. Like, good grief Alice’s parents. The whole adult-child dynamic seems to have escaped them. Beyond creepy. And the library! And that librarian! The Sand People ish kids! The Margolem!

The cast should be grateful that we don’t know any real magic because I think we’d keep them making us an episode every week forever.