Wanted – Season 1 Oh look another giant snake nbd

Wanted is entertaining and all. The two stars are appealing, the writing is decent, there are a couple of genuine earned surprises which is pretty rare. I gather Rebecca Gibney (Lola) is a big star in Australian TV, so its main audience likely has a different reaction to it all. Plus as a simpleminded foreigner, I enjoy just hearing the different ways people say “No”.

But so much of the time it felt like it was set in the last millenium, even though I could see those smartphones in their hands.  It’s a world of one-way information, from the big media out to the people. That’s not our world now. If there’s a misunderstanding, if police are trying to kill you, GET ON THE INTERNETS. Make a Facebook post, update your Twitter feed, put a video up on YouTube. Tell your story! Name names! Buy burner phones, buy SIM cards and toss them after one use, you’ve got a big bag full of money so use it!

Granted, they did spend a lot of time in places that looked lucky to have electricity and running water. But still.